Posted on June 15 2022

Austin friends, Tonight is a huge event at Antone's in Austin! Blue October, Dames Violet, Sounds Under Radio, Mothers Anthem, Johnny Goudie. Too many to mention here. So many of Austin's best 90's-2000's bands. So many people we haven't seen in a very long time. It's a party for Zak Loy from New Orleans who is in the band LIVE. Mark will be sitting in. I know he's playing Last Chance for Mary Jane and Cherry Bomb. I was asked to sing back up on Cherry Bomb. He doesn't go on until 11. I may just watch. As far as BQ news starting back on the new property! By the way, no worries on us finishing although it's going to take a year due to personal issues going on . I'm traveling as well. I couldn't be happier we made the decision to buy our home outright after todays news about the increased interest rates today. Wow! We're back on schedule. I'm very excited to share all the new treasures for Antique week next season. The workers are building out the upstairs showroom this weekend. I still haven't unpacked everything from when the costume designer for Interview with a Vampire went thru it all. I did buy a lot in New Orleans I just have to photograph it when things are further along. Shannon is coming to work on Monday. She's also bringing a bunch of furniture she stored for me. Keep checking back this is the new place for updates. Photo Hamer Mark Younger-Smith Guitar Ad they did a guitar series with his name on them and he helped design as well. XO